Nation wide +92 326 0551124,
International: +92 300 4398391
Home Delivery Starting on 25th May, 2023, Book your order now.

Who we are?

Hamna Fruit is a Registered and Certified name in producing quality Mangoes. We are specialized in Producing Sindhri, Chaunsa, Dusheri, Langra and Other Varieties of Mangoes. With quality and Standards. We are serving in Both National and International Market. We Export and Trade quality Mangoes and Agricultural products with Unmatched Economy.

Hamna Fruit is a Successful and Professional Certificated Mango Exporter in Pakistan. Mango is the King of Fruit and we are top Fresh Mango Supplier and Fresh Mango Exporter in Pakistan. We Export all Kinds of Mangoes to different Countries. As one of the Premier Exporting Companies, Hamna Fruit has Supported Broad Spectrum of National and International Clients. The Success Story of the firm is attributed to the CEO and all his team who have focused their Efforts to make it a Successful concern. Our attention to quality and Service means that the best in Pakistan grown Products Available to anywhere in the world. Our Commitment to Customer ensures safeguarding their Interest, with timely Deliveries and Personalized Services.

Minimal Shipping Charges

Always Fresh

Superior Quality


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Our Products

Pakistani mangoes are the best in the world.

Bulk Mango Pricing for Business Clients

Buy Export Quality Mangoes Online in Pakistan. We also provide import facility to international business clients.
Do you want to work with us? Contact us today.

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Health Benefits and Nutrition Farts of Mango

Health Benefits

  • Vitamin A Mango Rich in Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C. Mango is one of the highest food Source of
  • Vitamin C
  • Weight Control
  • Anti-cancer
  • Improved Digestion

Mango Nutrition Farts

Each cup of Sliced Mango (165 Grams) Contains Approximately.

  • 107 Calories
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 24 grams of Sugar
  • 1 grams of Protein
  • 25% Daily Value of vitamin A
  • 76 % Daily Value of Vitamin C
  • 257 mg of Potassium
  • 0.2 mg of Vitamin B-6

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